Session Options

Medical Qigong Session


30 min

Long distance Session (no phone call)

Whole system physical/etheric healing

Detailed write up of the session

Optional homework exercises

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Energy Work Session


1 hour

Intuitive Energy read

Done over the phone or Zoom

Multiple blocks and challenges can be addressed

Skill building and personalized supportĀ 

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Medical Qigong: Frequently Asked Questions

Medical Qigong is one of the 5 Branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It focuses on the energy body, channels and organ systems of the patient. Medical Qigong is a holistic modality seeking to improve quality of life, support balance and restore vitality.

All sessions are done remotely! Followed by a brief written report (no phone call.) Please include a detailed description of what you would like to work on in your session. If nothing is detailed, then a general treatment protocol will be done, along with any procedures guided by intuition.

The best way to receive the session is to be in a receptive a state during the treatment. This could be taking a nap, or a casual stroll depending on what is your best way to be open. During the session you may feel a lot of sensation or you may feel nothing at all- trust the process!

During the session, the practitioner follows time-tested Medical Qigong protocols based on the information provided by you, or according to what is perceived intuitively in the session.

After the session, you will receive a short paragraph or so about things that were worked on, homework exercises and other recommendations. Let me know if text or email is preferred.

It is always recommended to drink lots of water and generally have an easeful day planned afterwards. Alot of previously suppressed emotions and experiences can arise. Journal and be with what arises to support deep transformation.


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