Year-Long Practitioner Training



A Masterclass in Transformative Energy Work...

Semester 1: February 21st- July 3rd
Semester 2: August 7th- December 18th

Skill-based energy work grounded in experiential classes. Practical tools imbued with the breath and vitality of living traditions... 

Bringing Ancient teachings to practical real world application



Welcoming resistance, honoring our own needs and creating space, as conduits for our wholeness. Gain tools to hold each emotion as a valuable and containing its own wisdom. Integrating specific moments in time.


Unlocking the deep intelligence of our Essence, the directionality of our desires and opening to life unfoldment. Exploring aura clearing tools, elemental tools. Cleansing ourselves of dynamics and situations. Building capacity and trust to navigate life's unfolding.


A healthy self-concept can meet all of life challenges with resourcefulness. Working with pictures, matching pictures and the sub-conscious mind. Opening the door, for all aspects of the self to be held in awareness and care 


Body-based practices for somatic integration and physical embodiment. Self-regulation and the development of well-adjusted nervous system, takes skill and practice. Explore a map of embodying resilience. 

Other Topics

Throughout the year we'll also explore; working outside of time, collaborations with Archetypal beings, clearing cord, entities/attachments, working with, karma, contracts and much much more

Certification Requirements:

(Per Semester)

- Attending/watching all weekly Classes

- 3 Module Tests: Testing intellectual knowledge, ability to directly transform energies in self and clients. 

- 1 Community Clinic

- 20 Self Sessions

- 20 Sessions on Others


Practitioner Benefits:

(Upon Successful Completion)

- In good standing with the lineage, guides, guardians

- Certification as a practitioner in the system of Transformative Energy Work

- Qualifies for Advanced Energetics and deep dives into Global/ Collective Energy Work


I made this course…. 

For the practitioner seeking a complete roadmap for engaging their inner work and in developing precise skills for accompany others

For the practitioner who deeply desires to embody and serve from their purpose.

For the practitioner who feels that something vital has been missing in their studies of modern energy work systems. 

And overwhelmingly this is course is for those who wish to be free. If you have tried the well branded gimmicky spiritual systems and haven't lost hope. If you have either almost started a cult or joined one, yet still have faith :p This is for you!


You can kick rocks…..

If you're a spiritual entrepreneur riding the collective new interest in spirituality to make a quick buck.

if you're a spiritual tourist looking for something new to appropriate.

If you ain't ready to break open into the beauty of who you were born to be.

Who is Kenneth Jover?

Kenneth Jover is a bridge-being and a master practitioner of several energetic traditions. Ken was initiated into the world of the healing arts at the tender age of 3 by his grandmother. She transmitted to Ken a living tradition of ceremony, healing and embodiment, awakening in him the courage required to live a life dedicated to spiritual transformation. The practices Ken offers are a synthesis of ancient lineages and trauma informed interventions, harnessed to offer the quick path for transformation.

Tuition and Payment Plans

First Semester Payment Plan



5 monthly payments

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First Semester Tuition



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Year-Long Payment Plan



10 monthly payments

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Year-Long Tuition


One-time Payment

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Frequently Asked Questions

There are no pre-requisites. This is a comprehensive course, meant to take anyone from any skill level (beginner or expert) into new depths of inner work and effective engagement of the subtle realms

There are 20 sessions each semester. The times are Wednesdays, 5-7pm PST. Barring an emergency they are all taught by Kenneth Jover. 

The live classes will be held at 5-7 PST Wednesdays.

We don't have one….All sales are final :)

All of the sessions will be hosted on Zoom and will be promptly hosted and available to be watched as a recording on Kajabi. 

The classes can be downloaded from Kajabi and will be hosted for as long as the internet exists, and/or I have a website.


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